Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Feel Better

Well I went to the RE's office on 1/26.. My ovaries are down to 4 and 5 cm..I am not in any pain from the mild OHSS..I did get AF this weekend and was on Darvocet and a heating pad the entire weekend.. But I am happy that I am feeling better and was able to get my FET protocol. Well I was also advised that that out of the 11 they used to try to inseminate traditionally, they allowed them to grow for a day. They then used ICSI and fertilized 6 of them. So we now have a total of frozen 14 babies...8 are at 2PN and 6 others..Not sure what they are called. I am due to start my Lupron on 2/12 and will begin the Estrogen sometime after that..

Friday, January 16, 2009

I been sick

Well I have been sick the last few days.. I am still a bit bummed about my ER (egg retrevial) and then about my cycle being postponed. I know its for the best now with ovaries 3 or 4 times the actual size they should be. My right one is 9.9cm and left is 11.7cm. I have been back to RBA 2 days in a row for Hetastarch IVs. And I am due to go back on 1/19 for BW and US. Other than the pain I am dealing with my circumstances. I will be happy when I can transfer my babies back..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How it started

Well when I realized my 35 bday was approaching I started to think about have another child. I know I just got married but needed to look into if I could even get pregnant. So in August '08 I went to my GYN and had her run some test. One test revealed I had some blockage in one of my tubes. So on the a reproductive doc. After the test she ran she realized doing and IUI would not work so straight to IVF we went.

12/14 I began to take 10cc of Lupron which would suppress ovualtion.
12/29 I went for my supression check to make sure everything was going well with my Lupron shots
01/01 I began my Follistim shots 375iu daily and cont. Lupron 0.05cc
01/04 Went in for monitoring of my Estradiol(686) and US
01/05 Went for monitoring Estradiol(1031), decreased Follistim to 300iu daily
01/06 Went for monitoring Estradiol(2181), decreased Follistim to 150iu daily
01/07 Went for monitoring, stopped Follistim and continued Lupron, Estradiol(3860)
The US tech realizes that it is very difficult to see my ovaries so started looking at them transabdominally. Doc mentions do
ing ER through my belly.
01/08 Estradiol 5750, RE says that they will retrieve the eggs but not put them back now.
01/09 HCG trigger of Novarel at 10pm stopped Lupron
01/11 ER done at 10am. Placed on 2 bags of Hetastarch, given IV antibiotics. Doc did ER and got 35 eggs.
01/12 Nurse Donna called says they did 12 eggs with convential insemination and of those 1 fertilized. Of the other
23 only 11 were mature and 7 fertlized. So that is a grand total of 8 eggs.